Why you should cover beams over your bed?
Le travi che sono sopra la vostra testa, quando voi dormite, provocano uno schiacciamento del "Qi", quel respiro naturale che da' energia alle vostre case.
Dentro le vostre case infatti esiste un'energia che vibra, ed e' la stessa che e' dentro i vostri corpi e che scorre in quelli che la medicina tradizionale cinese chiama i meridiani.
Questa energia di tipo elettromagnetico ha un suo ritmo naturale e se qualche impedimento la costringe ad accellerare o diminuire questo ritmo, cio' provoca disagi che spesso non riusciamo a capire.
Le travi sopra la testa schiacciano verso il basso il Qi , e accellerano il suo flusso su di noi che stiamo sotto, procurandoci disagi come insonnia e cattiva digestione.
Un valido rimedio e' quello di coprirli con una tenda od un baldacchino
The beams that are over your head when you sleep, causing a crush of "Qi", that natural breath that energize your homes.
Inside your home Indeed there is an energy that vibrates, and it the same inside your body flowing into what traditional Chinese medicine called meridians.
This electromagnetic energy has a natural rhythm and if any obstacle is forced to accelerate or decrease this rate, causes discomfort, that we often fail to understand.
The beams above our head crushed down the Qi, and accelerate its flow over us causing such as insomnia and indigestion.
A good remedy is to cover beams with a tent or a canopy
Inside your home Indeed there is an energy that vibrates, and it the same inside your body flowing into what traditional Chinese medicine called meridians.
This electromagnetic energy has a natural rhythm and if any obstacle is forced to accelerate or decrease this rate, causes discomfort, that we often fail to understand.
The beams above our head crushed down the Qi, and accelerate its flow over us causing such as insomnia and indigestion.
A good remedy is to cover beams with a tent or a canopy
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