Il progetto di una abitazione che tenga conto del feng shui e' piu' complesso rispetto all'architettura tradizionale con la quale condivide i parametri di valore architettonico, qualita' funzionale ed efficienza tecnologica ma ne aggiunge altri che derivati da un'attenta analisi del luogo e degli abitanti ha come scopo quello di costruire ambienti energeticamente configurati per il benessere delle persone che andranno ad abitarci.
Lo stesso puo' avvenire in case gia' costruite dove l'inserimento dei valori progettuali del Feng Shui assume caratteristiche di recupero, restauro, riadattamento dove necessario degli ambienti , delle stanze, dei mobili ecc.
Il progetto diventa totale qualora vengano inseriti anche i parametri della bioarchitettura, la ricerca sui materiali sani, non trattati chimicamente, le tecnologie a risparmio energetico, le indagini sulla presenza di falde e/ o faglie sotterranee, il rilevamento geomagnetico dei nodi di Hurtmann e Curry.
Il risultato finale conduce a realizzare ambienti e costruzioni derivanti da una meticolosa impostazione dei dati funzionali, esperienza professionale, creativita' e visione olistica.
Se tutti sono a conoscenza di che cosa sia il valore architettonico di una casa, e potendo si rivolge ad un esperto qualora dovesse progettarne una , non tutti sanno invece che cosa sia esattamente quel valore "aggiunto" alla progettazione derivante dall'applicazione del Feng Shui.
In tempi materialistico /funzionali come il nostro e' piu' difficile capirne il significato anche se sempre piu' persone ormai si affidano ad esso.
Progettare con il Feng Shui una nuova abitazione significa fare un'analisi meticolosa dell'ambiente circostante esterno al fine di posizionare la costruzione nella maniera piu' opportuna, seguendo la cosiddetta Scuola della Forma, ed individuando i 4 animali cinesi, simbolo e metafora di forme note.
Lo scopo e' quello di avere le spalle protette ( tartaruga nera), una vista ampia sul fronte
( fenicie rossa) e due appoggi laterali( il drago e la tigre), dando come la sensazione di essere comodamente seduti su una poltrona con uno schienale alto e due braccioli laterali.
Inoltre ci si deve proteggere da forme che danneggerebbero il corretto flusso energetico perche'
poco adatte al suo corretto fluire, come gli spigoli appuntiti direzionati verso porte e finestre, strade troppo ripide davanti alla porta d'ingresso e tante altre ancora.
Individuati i 4 animali celesti ' e le forme da cui proteggersi, si puo' cominciare a tracciare la bozza della pianta avendo percio' cura di posizionare la "tartaruga nera " alle spalle, dell'abitazione e di conseguenza gli altri 3 animali; piu' facile a dire che a fare soprattutto quando poi passando all'analisi, con La scuola della Bussola si tratta di confrontare tale parametro con la necessita' di avere un fronte principale direzionato favorevolmente alle caratteristiche energetiche degli abitanti .
Infatti le energie provenienti da una certa direzione cardinale dovranno essere in sintonia con le energie intrinseche degli abitanti.
Il sistema di calcolo prevede la costruzione di una griglia da sovrapporre alla pianta della casa al fine di individuare, non solo la direzione del fronte, ma anche la migliore esposizione per ogni singola stanza e per ogni singolo abitante, in modo tale che ognuno possa dormire, studiare e lavorare nel luogo piu' adatto alle proprie energie.
A questo dovrebbe aggiungersi il rilevamento geomagnetico delle falde e faglie sotterranee, dei nodi di Hurtmann e Curry sopra i quali e' fortemente sconsigliato sostare per lunghi periodi.
Il progetto Feng Shui e' percio' un valore aggiunto, che pur non entrando in contrasto con l'esigenza di salvaguardare il valore architettonico delle costruzioni e la loro funzionalita', inserisce il concetto olistico dell'uomo come essere totale fatto di corpo e di anima, quell'essenza sottile da noi cosi' trascurata e a volte addirittura misconosciuta, riconoscendo nella casa un riflesso dell'uomo.
Per questo motivo essa dovra' soddisfare la sua essenza non solo da un punto di vista materialistico ma anche spirituale.
Il Feng Shui crede che questo sia possibile programmando una serie di interventi atti a sintonizzare le nostre case con noi stessi
The design of a house that takes count of feng shui is more complex compared to traditional architecture with which it shares the parameters of architectural value, quality functionality and technological efficiency but adds that other derived from a careful analysis of the place and the people's energy.The goal is to build energy-configured environments for the welfare of the people who are going to live there.
The same may happen in homes that are already built where the inclusion of design values of the Feng Shui assumes the characteristics of recovery, restoration, rehabilitation of the areas, rooms, furnitures etc, where needed.The project becomes total if they are included also the parameters of ecological design, materials research healthy, non-chemically treated materials, energy-saving technologies, the investigation of the presence of water and / or ground faults, the detection of geomagnetic nodes of Hurtmann and Curry .The end result leads to create rooms and buildings from a meticulous set of functional data, professional experience, creativity and holistic view.
If everyone is aware of what the architectural value of a house is , and could be addressed by an expert how to design it , but not everyone knows exactly what is that value added to the design resulting from the application of Feng Shui .In times materialist / functional as ours is more difficult to understand the meaning of this even though more and more people now rely on it.Design with Feng Shui a new home means making a meticulous analysis of the environment external in order to position the building in a more appropriate way, following the so-called "Form School", and identifying the 4 Chinese animal, symbol and metaphor of well-known forms.
The aim is to have your back protected (black turtle), a wide view on the front(Phoenician red) and two side supports (the dragon and the tiger), giving the feeling to be sitting comfortably in an armchair with a high back and two side arms.In addition you need to know how to be protected by forms that would damage the smooth flow of energy, causeunsuitable for its smooth flow, such as sharp edges directed towards the doors and windows, streets too steep in front of the door and many others.Identified the 4 celestial animals and the forms from which to protect your house, you can begin to draft the plan had therefore care to position the "black turtle" behind the dwelling and therefore the other 3 animals; more easier said than done.. especially when then, passing to the analysis with the Compass School, you must to compare this parameters with the need to have a positively directed front door for the main energy characteristics of the inhabitants.In fact, the energy from a certain cardinal direction should be in tune with the energies of the inhabitants..The computing system involves the construction of a grid to be superimposed to the plan of the house in order to identify, not only the direction of the front, but also the best exposure for each individual room and for each single person, in such a way that everyone can sleep , studying and working in the place more suited to their energies.To this should be added the geomagnetic detection of ground faults and groundwater, and Curry Hurtmann's nodes over which is highly recommended non stop for long periods.The project with Feng Shui is therefore an added value to our homes which although not coming into conflict with the need to safeguard the architectural value of buildings and their features. It inserts the holistic concept of a man full of body and soul, that essence so thin that we often neglected and sometimes misunderstood, because Feng shui recognize a reflection of man in the house.For this reason he will have to meet his essence not only from a materialistic point of view but also spiritual.THE HOUSE MUST MAKE FEELS US GOODFeng Shui believes that this is possible by programming a series of actions to tune our homes with ourselves
If everyone is aware of what the architectural value of a house is , and could be addressed by an expert how to design it , but not everyone knows exactly what is that value added to the design resulting from the application of Feng Shui .In times materialist / functional as ours is more difficult to understand the meaning of this even though more and more people now rely on it.Design with Feng Shui a new home means making a meticulous analysis of the environment external in order to position the building in a more appropriate way, following the so-called "Form School", and identifying the 4 Chinese animal, symbol and metaphor of well-known forms.
The aim is to have your back protected (black turtle), a wide view on the front(Phoenician red) and two side supports (the dragon and the tiger), giving the feeling to be sitting comfortably in an armchair with a high back and two side arms.In addition you need to know how to be protected by forms that would damage the smooth flow of energy, causeunsuitable for its smooth flow, such as sharp edges directed towards the doors and windows, streets too steep in front of the door and many others.Identified the 4 celestial animals and the forms from which to protect your house, you can begin to draft the plan had therefore care to position the "black turtle" behind the dwelling and therefore the other 3 animals; more easier said than done.. especially when then, passing to the analysis with the Compass School, you must to compare this parameters with the need to have a positively directed front door for the main energy characteristics of the inhabitants.In fact, the energy from a certain cardinal direction should be in tune with the energies of the inhabitants..The computing system involves the construction of a grid to be superimposed to the plan of the house in order to identify, not only the direction of the front, but also the best exposure for each individual room and for each single person, in such a way that everyone can sleep , studying and working in the place more suited to their energies.To this should be added the geomagnetic detection of ground faults and groundwater, and Curry Hurtmann's nodes over which is highly recommended non stop for long periods.The project with Feng Shui is therefore an added value to our homes which although not coming into conflict with the need to safeguard the architectural value of buildings and their features. It inserts the holistic concept of a man full of body and soul, that essence so thin that we often neglected and sometimes misunderstood, because Feng shui recognize a reflection of man in the house.For this reason he will have to meet his essence not only from a materialistic point of view but also spiritual.THE HOUSE MUST MAKE FEELS US GOODFeng Shui believes that this is possible by programming a series of actions to tune our homes with ourselves
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